Updated Resource page

We have just updated the Resources page and included many more useful items to help introduce and bring people to Jesus. In particular are the Audio Bible files and helps. These are most useful for regular “Audio Bible Groups” where people can meet together, listen and discuss God’s Holy Word. Included also are Bible reading Plans, and Scriptures for daily living situations. There now also wonderful Gospel Tracts that we have been using successfully for many years. People just LOVE it when you give them a Tract and a Jesus smile. Tracts work, because the Holy Spirit uses them – ongoing. “He who sows sparingly will reap sparingly”, so please give tracts to everyone you care about. Jesus cares for everybody! All of the Resources are free, and in several languages. There is a “Copy Right!” with all the materials, so please copy and distribute widely. But please do NOT alter or edit any of the Materials. They are designed to bring people to Jesus, not to another person, organization, church or anything else. Jesus is our one and only Focus, and only He can grant forgiveness of sins and Eternal Life.
Please connect with us – we would love to hear from you.
Thank you and may God bless you all.
Praise the Lord.

Wow! My very own Bible, finally.

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