Bible Needs
Most of us have one or more Bibles. But, in Indochina there are a lot of very poor people who are unable to obtain their own Bible. Furthermore, there are also many people who are illiterate and/or who have poor eyesight. Our aim is to address these needs by providing printed and audio Bibles in people’s own languages. This can be done very economically if we all work together to be a blessing to many.
There are many ways that we can all help to make a big difference to many lives, cities, nations. Some vital ways are:
- PRAY – Request our Confidential Prayer Letter and pray
- PARTNER – Participate with donation(s) as you are able
- PROCEED – Go with one of our Teams, or go Individually
- PROVIDE – Fund a printed Bible or Audio Bible Speaker
Join with us to provide God’s Word in various languages and dialects to where most needed . . .